St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


Hill, Christopher

Dr. Christopher Hill


助理教授, Mathematics
Department Chair
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De La Roche 301 C


  • MATH 107. 统计学概论
  • MATH 111. 基础教育数学1 
  • MATH 112. 基础教育数学2 
  • MATH 122. 管理与社会科学微积分 
  • MATH 135. 定量推理
  • MATH 151. Calculus I 
  • MATH 152. Calculus II 
  • MATH 207. 离散数学I 
  • MATH 208. 离散数学II 
  • MATH 241. Linear Algebra
  • MATH 251. Calculus III 
  • MATH 252. 微分方程
  • MATH 312. Geometry 
  • MATH 322. 数学概率 
  • MATH 323. 数理统计 
  • MATH 351. 实数分析概论1 
  • MATH 409B. 解决问题研讨会
  • MATH 413. Number Theory 
  • MATH 453. Complex Variables
  • MATH 486. Topology 


  • Adviser for Brett Chiodo's 2022/2023 Senior Comprehensive Project: 高斯证明n = 3时费马大定理.
  • Erica Low 2021/2022荣誉项目顾问: Elliptic Curve Cryptography: An Efficient Cryptosystem and Its Applications.
  • Faculty Examiner for Emerson Graham's 2021/2022 Honors Project: Sex During Pregnancy: A Demand for Comprehensive Women’s Health.
  • Mentor for Spencer Mummery's 2019/2020 Senior Comprehensive Project: 密码学和RSA算法.
  • Mentor for Alex DePlato's 2018/2019 Senior Comprehensive Project: 理解傅立叶级数.
  • 莱利·艾克2016/2017年度荣誉项目的现场考官, Eat, Drink, Go Bona’s: a Guide to Restaurants Surrounding St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学.
  • Mentor for Joseph Posillico's 2016/2017 Senior Comprehensive Project: 解决希尔伯特第三个问题.
  • Mentor for Jordan Farnham's 2015/2016 Senior Comprehensive Project: A Look at Fractal Dimensions and the Importance of Fractals in Finance.
  • Mentor for Mitch Kovacs' 2015/2016 Senior Comprehensive Project: Investigation into Consecutive Integers with Equally many Distinct Prime Divisors.
  • Mentor for René Sandroni's 2014/2015 Senior Comprehensive Project: An Exploration of a Continuous but Nowhere Differentiable Function.
  • Mentor for Levi Lewis's 2014 Senior Comprehensive Project: Hirchhorn对雅可比四平方定理的证明
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
  • M.S. 科罗拉多州立大学数学专业.
  • B.S. in Mathematics with a Minor in Physics, Colorado State University.
  • 香港大学数学学系助理教授. 博纳旺蒂尔大学:8月. 2003–present.
  • 助理教授, Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa: July 2001–Dec. 2002.
  • 助理教授, Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina: Sept. 2000–May 2001.
  • 讲师,格林内尔学院,格林内尔,爱荷华州:8月. 1998–July 2000.

Recent Zometool Workshops and Geometry Barn Raisings Organized 

  • Zometool workshop at the Challenger Learning Center of the Twin Tier Region, during the Moon vs. Mars Summer Camp. 参与者:4 & 5th graders. July 24, 2023.
  • Zometool workshop at the Challenger Learning Center of the Twin Tier Region, during the M.E.L.T.S. Winter Camp. 参与者:k -3年级. 2023年2月21日.
  • Zometool workshop at the Challenger Learning Center of the Twin Tier Region, 在M的工程日.E.L.T.S. Winter Camp. 参与者:3 -6年级. 2020年2月18日.
  • Zometool workshops in "A STEAM-Powered Adventure at the Quick Center." Participants: 5th- and 6th-grade students and teachers in the Bolivar-Richburg school district. July 31 & August 1, 2017.
  • St . Zometool夏令营. 博纳旺蒂尔大学. 参与者:12名9-13岁的学生. June 26–29, 2017. 
  • Two Zometool workshops during Creative Arts Day at Coudersport Jr. Sr. 宾夕法尼亚州库德波特的一所高中. 参与者:高中生. February 24, 2017. 
  • Zometool workshop at the Challenger Learning Center of the Twin Tier Region, 在“太空梦想家”科学营期间. 参与者:3 -6年级. 2017年2月21日.
  • “Zometool作为STEAM教育工具," a Zometool workshop at the 2016 Art Teacher Professional Development Day at the Quick Center for the Arts, St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学. October 6, 2016.
  • 南方天主教学校的Zometool俱乐部. 2016 - 2017年春季.
  • SBU的Zometool夏令营. 参与者:13名10-13岁的学生. June 27–30, 2016. 
  • A geometry barn raising with Allegany-Limestone Central School. Linda Dodd-Nagel's 66 8th-grade students built a six and a half feet tall 12,540-piece structure representing a three-dimensional “shadow" of a four-dimensional figure called a runcitruncated hypericosahedron. 2016年5月20日和24日.
  • Connect 4项目. 87 middle school students and their teachers from the Allegany-Limestone, Hinsdale, Olean, and Portville school districts worked together to build the world's first stage-6 Sierpinski tetrahedron made from Zometool. 这座建筑有13英尺高 包含32770个部件. The project was completed on the stage in the Quick Center for Arts on May 7, 2015.

Recent Talks

  • 《无限探索:圆周率计算简史,在四英里啤酒厂的Science on Tap节目中, Olean, NY. March 10, 2022.


  • 马丁·格兰特(杰夫·彼得森和丹尼·威尔金斯): Development of Proposed Curricular Changes to Improve the Effectiveness of a 定量推理 Requirement at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学. 格兰特要价3600美元. (2007/2008)
  • 马丁·格兰特(杰夫·彼得森和丹尼·威尔金斯): An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the 定量推理 Requirement at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学. 格兰特出价6000美元.(2006/2007)


  • Hill, C. (July, 1999). 子序列上取模1的均匀分布, 美国数学学会学报.
  • College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, received as a graduate teaching assistant at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign.
  • 院系数学教学卓越奖,获聘为UIUC研究生助教.

My goals as a teacher are to help students become independent thinkers and to help them develop the skills and the confidence needed to tackle challenging problems. Accordingly, my philosophy of teaching is characterized by the Socratic method, small-group 工作,以及解决问题的策略.

When the instructor poses questions to his or her students, 无论是在课堂上还是在办公时间, 学生们变得活跃起来, 而不是被动, 学习的参与者. During office hours, an instructor can tailor the questions to the needs 一个特定的学生. The instructor’s queries can be designed so that it is the student 谁能找到解决手头问题的钥匙. I've observed again and again that students are capable of more than they realize.

An instructor can ask only so many questions during the lecture. Inevitably, most of the time most of the students are not involved in the discussion. Small-group work is a way for nearly all of the students to be active 学习的参与者 几乎所有的时间. As students work together in groups of about three on a worksheet or project, 他们为自己提供了榜样, 犯错误而不受惩罚, 讨论数学, 和他们的同学见面.

每个问题都包含着一个教训. 作家理查德·巴赫是这样说的: There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. 你找问题是因为你需要他们的礼物. 隐藏在数学中的教训 problem are the principles that we apply to solve the problem, 谁的效用延伸到无数其他问题. 这些“礼物”被称为 解决问题的策略. Although students encounter a vast number of problems during 数学课程, 只有一小部分解决问题的策略, 结合课程材料的基本知识, 需要解决几乎所有的问题吗. By unlocking so many problems simultaneously, 解决问题的策略 help 揭开数学的神秘面纱. I strive to point out key strategies as they arise in the problems that I work for my students.


我对社区服务非常感兴趣. 我组织了几次Zometool研讨会, 几何谷仓凸起," and projects with middle school and high school students and am looking for opportunities to do more. 更多信息请参见 my webpage of Zometool资源.

在圣. Bonaventure,我创建并教授数学490B. 问题解决研讨会(以前的数学281),运行 博纳奖金问题计划, 并担任当地的主管 普特南数学竞赛.

Dr. Jeff Peterson, Dr. Denny Wilkins, and I worked on an extended project on improving the quantitative literacy of students at St 博纳旺蒂尔大学. In particular, we studied the effectiveness of the quantitative reasoning requirement 在克莱尔学院课程(圣. Bonaventure). Our project was funded by 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 Martine Grants. 2013年春天,我们开设了一门新课程,数学135. 定量推理,这是 定量读写的基础课程.


我对信息的视觉呈现很着迷, so I often pursue projects and activities that may be characterized in this way. 例如,我组织 Arts & 科学博览会 and I'm the Arts & Sciences web 大学编辑. 我喜欢电影,而且我 gradually 学习美国手语.