普拉斯曼大厅的教室, 文科是大学的核心, have been redesigned and refurnished to provide comfort and encourage collaboration.

St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

艺术学院 & 科学

欢迎来到圣乔治大学规模最大、最多样化的学校. 博纳旺蒂尔大学. 有40多个专业和辅修专业, 优秀的师资和多学科项目, 我们为每个人提供一些东西.

  • We service most of the courses for the General Education curriculum and the Honors Program. 除了, 所有大学生, 不管他们在哪个学校上学, 参加他们在我们学校的许多课程.


    Flexibility and opportunity await you as a major in the 艺术学院 & 科学. 无论你选择什么,你都会有宾至如归的感觉.


    艺术 & 科学 is an excellent source for professional training for any number of careers and for graduate school preparation.

    学生们在快速中心画廊附近走动Students looking ahead to post-graduate study in the health care field may take advantage of the university’s Franciscan Health Care Professions Program, and our Center for Law and Society prepares our students for law school.

    We develop programming that responds to changing societal demands and student interests. We offer bachelor's and master's degrees in the increasingly important and popular field of cybersecurity. 我们还提供网络安全的早期保证计划, guaranteeing qualified high school seniors placement in our master's program upon completion of their bachelor's degree.

    威廉一个. SBU沃尔什科学中心

    威廉F. 沃尔什科学中心

    Regina一. 快速艺术中心
    Regina一. 快速艺术中心


    现代艺术中心 & 科学

    State-of-the-art facilities not only accommodate student research, 创造力和表现, 而是作为学生和社区参与的区域中心.

  • 两名学生在2022年世博会上展示他们的研究成果

    体验式学习:世博会 & 更

    我们的年度艺术 & 科学博览会 is a celebration of our students' exceptional research and creativity, 而这只是艺术的众多方式之一 & 科学教育延伸到SBU的课堂之外.

    每年春天在大学会议中心举行, the Expo is a popular two-day event that allows the campus community to review outstanding work of students mentored by faculty in the 艺术学院 & 科学.

    艺术学院的体验式学习 & 科学不会随着世博会而结束. Many of our academic programs require internships, mentored research or capstone projects. 其他人则鼓励公共服务, emphasizing the personal growth that comes from using your knowledge and talents to help others.
  • 持有STEM证书的高中学生


    The university hosts a number of annual events that foster interest in the arts and 科学 among high school students across the region, and that aid the professional development of teachers in STEM fields.

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