St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


Professors from all schools in the university who have been bestowed the title of "emeritus" upon retirement from full-time teaching.

The title of professor emeritus is an honorary designation that may be awarded to recognize those who have retired with the earned rank of associate professor or professor after at least 10 years of full-time meritorious service to the university and their field of knowledge. While no longer full-time faculty members, some continue to teach on occasion as adjunct instructors.

Khairullah, Zahid Y.



  • 本322. 管理学概论 
  • 本306. 生产 & 运营管理 
  • 本422. 应用管理科学 
  • 国际清算银行420年. 信息和决策支持系统 
  • 614年工商管理硕士. 管理学概论 
  • 624年工商管理硕士. 生产管理
  • Ph.D.纽约州立大学布法罗分校管理学硕士
  • MBA,管理科学,纽约州立大学布法罗分校
  • MS Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo
  • B.科技. Engineering; Indian Institute of 科技nology来自印度孟买
  • CPIM {Certified in 生产 and Inventory 管理} American 生产 & 库存控制学会
  • Certified by the Advanced Information Systems Faculty Development Institute of AACSB 


  • 大学教职员推荐委员会主席
  • 大学教职员及参议院财务委员会主席
  • 成员,全球网赌十大网站董事会财务委员会
  • 应用管理科学主席 & 决策支持系统跟踪IABD会议
  • 商学院教师评估委员会主席
  • 主席,商学院教师组成 & 发展/智力贡献委员会
  • 教师顾问 & Beta Gamma Sigma荣誉协会Bonaventure分会主席
  • 成员,全球网赌十大网站留学委员会
  • 南方基督教青年会基金理事会成员
  • Member, Board of Directors of International Academy of Business Disciplines
  • 三份学术期刊编辑委员会成员


  • 圣路易斯市商学院院长. 圣博纳旺蒂尔大学. 博纳旺蒂尔,纽约
  • 圣公会管理科学系主席. 圣博纳旺蒂尔大学. 博纳旺蒂尔,纽约
  • 管理科学主席 & 市场部,St. 圣博纳旺蒂尔大学. 博纳旺蒂尔,纽约
  • Secure Enterprises, 公司 .设计工程师.纽约州布法罗市
  • 初级警官,负责退火 & 特钢有限公司酸洗部.来自印度孟买
  • 美国制片协会宾夕法尼亚分会主席 & 库存控制学会
  • 纽约州奥利恩市创世纪之家董事会成员


  • St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 Faculty Recognition Award 对于Professional Excellence In Research And Publication, 2006年5月.
  • Awarded Two Outstanding Track 椅子 Awards: (i) at the 2004 IABD Conferences held in San Antonio, 德州, 2004年3月 & (ii) 2014年4月在加州圣地亚哥举行的IABD会议上.
  • Community Service Award at the Salute To Olean celebration by the Olean-Bradford YMCA, 2月, 2010.
  • Received awards for research papers presented at scholarly meetings.
  • St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 Faculty Recognition Award for Special Services for service to the University and Community, 1995年5月.
  • 伊士曼柯达公司教学优秀奖 & 纽约独立学院基金”...表彰对教学的杰出贡献."; May 1993.
  • 入选传记出版物的:
    • (i)《全球网赌十大网站》的几卷, (ii)美国名人录, (三)东方名人录, 由马奎斯名人录出版, 公司.芝加哥,伊利诺斯州
    • International Who's Who of Intellectuals, published by the International
  • Honorary Member, Delta Mu Delta, National Honor Society in Business 政府
  • Member, Beta Gamma Sigma, National Honor Society for AACSB Accredited Business Schools
  • Merit Scholar for each of the five years at the Indian Institute of 科技nology, 孟买, 印度的5年技术学士学位课程


  • Author/Co-author of more than 35 refereed publications in professional Journals and proceedings of professional conferences.
  • Presented more than 30 scholarly papers at various international and national  conferences of professional societies.


  • “Cultural 值 in Indian Television Commercials”, 与Durriya H. Z. Khairullah, Journal of Promotion 管理,卷. 19, No. 2, pp. 265-281, 2013.
  • “中国的文化价值观与决策”,与Durriya H. Z. Khairullah, International Journal of Business, Humanities and 科技nology, 卷. 3, No. 2, pp. 1-12, 2013.
  • “Preferences Expressed By Asian-Indian Subjects For American Versus Asian Indian Print Advertisements”, 与Durriya H. Z. Khairullah, 发表在《全球网赌十大网站》上, 卷2, 17, 2011年9月.
  • “Portrayal of Gender Roles in Indian Magazine Advertisements,Durriya H. Z. Khairullah in Business Research Yearbook, XIII, 2006, Editors Marjorie G. Adams and Abbass Alkhafaji, A Publication of the International Academy of Business Disciplines.
  • “A Study of the Extent of Westernization in Indian Magazine Advertisements,Durriya H. Z. Khairullah, in the Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 卷ume 17, Number 2, 2005.
  • “Second Generation Asian-Indian Reactions to Asian-Indian and American Advertisements,Durriya H. Z. Khairullah, 国际商业与经济研究杂志, 卷4, 9号, 2005年9月.
  • “Penetrating Global 科技nology Markets - Two Strategies,” with Azam N. Foda, published in the “Beyond ii科技nology” Global Conference Proceedings, May 2005.
  • “学生特质对找工作的相对重要性”,” published in the proceedings of the 2005 International Applied Business Research Conference, 的墨西哥巴亚尔塔港, 墨西哥, 3月14 - 18, 2005.
  • “Application of Dynamic Programming to Optimal Load Scheduling of Power Generation Units,Rabiz N. 《全球网赌十大网站》2004年第11期. 编辑:卡罗琳·加德纳,杰里·比伯曼和阿巴斯·阿尔哈法吉.
  • 使用数学模型评估研究建议,《全球网赌十大网站》, 体积X, 2003. 编辑Jerry Biberman和Abbass Alkhafaji.
  • “Dominant Cultural 值: Content Analysis of the US and Indian Print Advertisement,Durriya Z. Khairullah, Journal of Global Marketing, 卷ume 16, Number 1/2, 2003.
  • “文化适应之间的关系, 对广告的态度, 亚洲印度移民的购买意愿,Durriya H. Z. Khairullah, the International Journal of Commerce and 管理, 卷.1999年第3-4号.
  • “Behavioral Acculturation and Demographic Characteristics of Asian-Indian Immigrants in the United States,Durriya H. Z. Khairullah, 《国际社会学与社会政策杂志, 卷19, 数量1 - 2, 1999年1 - 2月刊.
  • 一种方案偏好排序方法,Stanley Zionts说, 欧洲运筹学杂志, 卷. 1987年第28期第3期,北荷兰出版公司.
  • 椅子上,全球网赌十大网站 Faculty Senate Finance Committee and member of the University Faculty Senate July1984 to July 1987 and July 2009 to present.
  • 成员,全球网赌十大网站董事会财务委员会, 1984年7月至1987年7月,2009年7月至今.
  • 椅子上,全球网赌十大网站 Faculty Recommendations Committee November 2002 to 2006 and November 2011 to present
  • 商学院教师评估委员会主席, January 1999 to present.
  • Member, Board of Directors, International Academy of Business Disciplines, April 2012 to present.
  • 应用管理科学轨道主席 & Decision Support Systems Track of the Annual Conferences of the International Academy of Business Disciplines, 每年, 2003年至今.
  • Elected to the Graduate Council as a 商学院 representative 1999 to 2007.
  • 服务于圣. 博纳旺图尔大学,1990年至今.
  • 椅子, Faculty Composition and 发展/智力贡献委员会 for AACSB accreditation, 2002年2月至今.
  • Served on the University Faculty Recognition Award Committee For Excellence In Research And Publication, 2007 to 2013.
  • Served as 教师顾问 for the Delta Mu Chapter of the Delta Mu Delta National Honor Society, 1994年至2004年.
  • 建立St. 伯纳旺图尔大学贝塔伽玛分会, the National Honor Society for AACSB accredited Business Schools in 2005; serves as Chapter President 2005 to present.
  • 奥利安“联合信仰社区”的联合创始人和成员 & 2003年11月至今,纽约阿勒格尼.
  • Member, Board of Directors of “Genesis House” community project, 2004 to 2012.
  • 主席(2004 - 2011) & Member (1983 to present) of the Board of Trustees of the Islamic Society of the Southern Tier.