St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

1999 & 1998名人堂入选者


Col. 保罗·E. 唐纳利,1941届毕业生
保罗·康纳利保罗·E. Donnelly was born in Canada and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from St. 1941年在博纳旺图尔学院.

He was commissioned a field artillery second lieutenant that same year, and reported soon after to Fort Sill, 俄克拉何马州, where he received his initial branch training. 1942年9月,他从乔治亚州本宁堡的第35届基础跳伞班毕业.

He became a battery commander in the 376th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, 82d Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, 1942年9月的北卡罗来纳. 从那时起直到1948年6月, he served as a field artillery officer in the 82d Airborne Division, holding positions as battery commander, 联络官, 通信官, adjutant and other staff assignments.

His tenure with the newly formed division included participation in the 西西里, Naples-Foggia, 安齐奥, Rome-Arno, 莱茵兰, Ardennes-Alsace and Central Europe campaigns, 包括若干战斗跳跃, 二战期间.

Assigned to the post-World War II 82d Airborne Division, 1948年,唐纳利上尉被选为国务院驻巴勒斯坦联合国停战委员会观察员.

他回到布拉格堡,担任第82空降第319野战炮兵营的营长, 在1950年参加高级野战炮兵军官课程之前,他一直担任其他几个参谋职位. 毕业后,他留在希尔堡担任教官,然后接受特殊武器训练.

他的第三次海外旅行是从1954年到1955年在泰国担任指挥官和顾问.  唐纳利少校回到全球网赌十大网站 in 1954 as an assistant professor of military science, working very closely with the corps of cadets.

他在1956年培养出两名未来的将军的班级中发挥了重要的指导作用. 创. (Ret.约翰·米切尔和布里格. 创. (退役)约瑟夫·内格尔. Advanced military schooling followed, and after being promoted to lieutenant colonel, Donnelly commanded a missile battalion in the 81st Artillery, Federal Republic of Germany from 1959 until 1961. 

执行以下命令, 唐纳利接受了额外的特殊武器训练,并被分配到位于科罗拉多斯普林斯的北美防空司令部(NORAD), 科罗拉多州, 他最终在那里担任威胁评估主任的代理情报局长, 美国大陆空军司令部.

In January 1965, he began his fifth overseas tour as plans officer, U.S. Military Assistance Command-Vietnam. Returning to the United States in January 1966, 他当上了酋长, 组织及训练科, 门罗堡情报中心, 维吉尼亚州. 一九六七年五月, he supervised ROTC training as chief of the Training and Education Division, which was his last assignment before retiring in 1974.

Colonel Donnelly awards and decorations include the 荣誉勋章, 青铜星章, 优良服务奖章, 陆军嘉奖奖章, 欧非中东战役奖章(箭头装置及7颗铜服役星), 二战胜利勋章, 占领军勋章(德国), National Defense Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, 越南服役奖章, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal with Device, the Master Parachutist Badge with Combat Stars, 比利时饰带, 荷兰橙色挂绳, 越南共和国英勇十字勋章棕榈单位嘉奖和七个海外服务奖章.

Lt. 罗伯特一个. 加文,1951届毕业生
罗伯特·加文出生于1927年8月20日,罗伯特. 加文是奥巴马的儿子. 和夫人. Bernard Gavin and the brother of Frances A. 和牧师. 罗伯特·加文,0岁.F.M. 来自纽约奥利安. 他上过圣. Mary's Academy and graduated from Olean High School in 1945.

他在美国应征入伍.S. Army at the close of World War II and served at Fort Dix, New Jersey from October 1945 until November 1946, when he was honorably discharged as a corporal. 从St毕业后. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 with a Bachelor of Business 政府 degree in 1951, Gavin earned his commission as a second lieutenant in field Artillery.

Called to active duty later that year, he served with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, 北卡罗莱纳, and took part in the 德州 Maneuvers during the fall of 1952 at Fort Bliss, 德州.

加文少尉在布利斯堡完成了防空和导弹课程, 被派往海外, 日本首创, 然后在韩国. 他作为第48野战炮兵营的前沿观察员参加了两个月的战斗, 第七步兵师.

1953年2月,加文成为第15 AAAAW营的自动武器排长. 周二, 1953年3月24日, Sonbyok附近, 韩国, Gavin was leading his platoon under intense North 韩国n fire. St. 博纳旺蒂尔学生报, 博纳的冒险, 1953年10月30日报道,

“加文中尉在敌人的迫击炮炮火下奋勇前进,帮助他的一名伤员,这让他表现出色. 当听到他的另一个士兵被击中时,排长又向前走去. 虽然他把两个人都放了回去. Gavin suffered fatal wounds from mortar fragments."

位于里贾纳A外的纪念石碑上有27个人的名字. 圣奎克艺术中心. 博纳旺图尔大学,罗伯特A. 51岁的加文被追授银星勋章,以表彰他在韩国松边附近的英勇行为.

Col. 约翰米. 哈特,1941届毕业生
约翰·哈特1941年毕业于全球网赌十大网站学院,约翰·M·. 哈特获得了文学学士学位,并在全球网赌十大网站陆军后备军官训练队项目.

Upon completing the Field Artillery Officer Basic Course, he was assigned to the 2nd Armored Division, with whom he served throughout World War II "from Benning to Berlin."

他在第78野战炮兵营的任务包括空中观察员, battery executive officer and assistant S3/fire direction officer, 他目睹了北非的战斗, 西西里, 诺曼底和莱茵兰, Ardennes-Alsace and Central European campaigns, including assault landings at 西西里 and Normandy.

Between World War II and the 韩国n War, 哈特回到了本宁堡, where he was assigned to the 83rd Field Artillery Battalion, 319th Field Artillery Regiment (also known as School Troops Battalion). In 1949, 他去了斯蒂尔堡, 俄克拉何马州 to complete the Field Artillery Officer Advanced Course, 然后被指派为Fort Sill观察部门(目标获取)的调查指导员.

Upon completion of the Command and 创eral Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, 堪萨斯, 他动身去韩国了, and joined the 3rd Infantry Division, 在他第二次战斗期间,他在DIVARTY担任S\ _3和S\_2的不同时间.

从韩国回来, 哈特毕业于战略情报学院,1953年至1956年在五角大楼任职, 在返回布拉格堡指挥第十五空降兵团炮兵的三个不同营之前.

He commanded a 155mm howitzer unit (777th Field Artillery Battalion), then the 250th Field Artillery Battalion, 它有幸成为密西西比河以东的第一个诚实约翰营, and finally the 83rd Field Artillery Battalion (8" Howitzer). He was also executive officer of the 54th Field Artillery Group, 第18空降兵团炮兵代理G3和第18空降兵团战术作战中心野战炮兵参谋.

他还被选中在白沙导弹靶场观察最后一次原子武器试验, 新墨西哥. 他在莱文沃思堡完成了高级军官核武器就业课程, 1958年在堪萨斯州,然后去日本担任地对空导弹部门的负责人,为期三年, 在他最后回到圣. 1962年就读于博纳旺图尔大学. 在全球网赌十大网站, Hart spent five years as the professor of military science, whereupon he retired from active duty in 1967.

Colonel Hart is the honorary colonel of the 78th Artillery regiment.

His awards and decorations include the Silver Star, 荣誉勋章, 士兵奖章, 铜星(2片橡树叶簇), 陆军嘉奖奖章, 美国国防奖章, 欧非中东战役奖章(箭头形奖章及七颗铜星), 二战胜利勋章, 占领军勋章(德国), National Defense Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, 韩国n Service Medal (3 bronze service stars), 联合国韩国服役奖章, 比利时饰带, French Croix de Guerre with Silver Star, 总统单位嘉奖, 杰出单位引文(与橡树叶簇)和大韩民国单位引文.


Fr. 大卫·F. 《全球网赌十大网站》,.F.M.
Fr. 大卫·斯威尼,O.F.M.Father David Sweeney, a Long Island, 纽约 native was educated at St. 位于洛杉矶格兰代尔市的潘克拉斯学校.I. 和圣. Joseph Seraphic Seminary in Callicoon.

He entered the Franciscan Order in Paterson, NJ on August 12, 1942. 斯威尼神父在华盛顿圣名学院完成了他的神学研究.C. 并于1948年6月12日在华盛顿的圣墓山教堂被任命为牧师.

斯威尼神父1949年在美国天主教大学获得历史哲学博士学位. 他的论文以书的形式出版,书名为《全球网赌十大网站》。. Father Sweeney joined the faculty of St. 1963年在博纳旺图尔大学任教,直到1993年3月去世前几个月因病被迫退休.


他担任塞内卡营学员和干部的牧师,不仅在大学,而且在艰苦的野外训练演习条件下提供精神支持. His spiritual leadership is truly missed and always remembered.

Maj. 创. 诺伯特•J. 拉普尔,1952届毕业生
诺伯特•RapplCommissioned as a Second 中尉 in the Field Artillery, Major 创eral Rappl completed the Field Artillery Officer Basic Course at Ft. Sill 俄克拉何马州 then served 13 months with the 8th U.S. 韩国军队.

Upon release from active duty, Rappl joined the 98th Infantry Division. 他在第923野战炮兵营连续担任要职,最终在S-3营担任要职. Rappl was promoted to the rank of 中尉 Colonel in January 1968.

同年11月,任第98师支援营营长. He was promoted to the grade of Colonel in 1971 and 禁闭室adier 创eral in 1980.

1982年2月, 他担任第98师的指挥官,并被提升为少将军衔, the highest rank a reservist can attain in August 1982.


禁闭室. 创. 约瑟夫·内格尔,1956届毕业生
约瑟夫·内格尔埃尔米拉人, 纽约, BG Nagel于1956年获得生物学学士学位,同时他完成了ROTC计划,并被委任为第二名 中尉.

His military education includes Filed Artillery Officer Basic Course, 指挥与总参谋学校, and the United States Army War College. 他担任过各种各样的指挥和参谋职位,最终担任副总指挥官, U.S. Army Training Center, and Fort Dix, Fort Dix, NJ.

His awards and decorations include the 青铜星章 (2nd
 橡树叶丛), the 优良服务奖章 (with 橡树叶丛), 几枚空军奖章, the Joint Service Commendation Medal, and the 陆军嘉奖奖章 with "V" device.
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