St. Bonaventure University

2021 & 2020 ROTC Hall of Fame inductees

2021 ROTC Hall of Fame Inductee

Lt. Col. Jamison Hines, Class of 1996

HoF Hines webJamison Hines was a Distinguished Military Graduate from St. Bonaventure University in 1996. He was commissioned an Infantry Officer, and after graduating from the US Army Ranger School was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, from 1997 to 2000. 在那里,他担任步枪排长、支援排长和公司执行官.

LTC (R) Hines then served as the Assistant Battalion Operations Officer, 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky and in the Republic of Kosovo. He then commanded A/2-502 Infantry Regiment during the invasion of Iraq.
From 2003 to 2007, Jamison was an Assistant Professor of Military Science at The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina. In 2007, LTC (R) Hines从步兵转到战略情报官, 在国防情报局的国家情报大学(当时的国防情报学院)获得战略情报理学硕士学位, Bolling AFB, Washington DC. At this time, he also completed the Strategic Intelligence Officer Course at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona, the Army Command and General Staff College at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia and the Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Virginia. 

As a Strategic Intelligence Officer, he was assigned to US Transportation Command, Scott AFB, 他在伊利诺伊州担任高级情报观察官,然后领导南方司令部和太平洋司令部的分支机构,负责识别全球军事后勤的可信威胁. 

Jamison then moved to US Strategic Command, Offutt AFB, 内布拉斯加州,并担任中东目标司司长,负责提名动能, non-kinetic, 和核目标向美国战略司令部司令提交,以列入美国的战略目标清单.

From 2014 to 2017, LTC (R) Hines was a Military Professor at The US Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island where he taught Security Strategies, Homeland Defense/ Homeland Security, and Policy Analysis courses at the graduate level. 他目前是Citadel的兼职教授,教授国家安全政策,也是基恩州立大学的兼职教授,教授国际外交,重点是美国外交政策的军事化.

LTC (R) Hines’ military training and education includes the Basic Airborne Course, Air Assault Course, Rappelmaster Course, Ranger School, the Infantry Officer Basic Course, Field Artillery Captains Career Course (Master Warfighter designee), the Combined Arms and Services Staff School, the Army Command and General Staff College, the Joint Forces Staff College, and the Strategic Intelligence Officer Course (Honor Graduate). He also holds the 5H additional skill identifier (nuclear target analyst). 

His awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal (1 OLC), Meritorious Service Medal (1 OLC), Joint Forces Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (1 OLC), Army Achievement Medal, Air Assault Badge, Parachutist Badge, Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, and Expert Infantryman’s Badge.

LTC (R) Hines is married to the former Jayme I. Maley from Rochester, New York. They have one son – Brandon (19) and one daughter – Elizabeth (14). Jamison retired from the US Army on 1 October 2017 after more than 21 years of service.

2020 ROTC Hall of Fame Inductees

Lt. Col. Frank Martin, National ROTC Hall of Fame inductee

LTC Martin web弗兰克·马丁中尉获得后备军官训练团奖学金进入坎伯兰学院,并于1980年进入运输军团服役,开始了他的军事生涯.

Over the next 20 years, 马丁中尉在第一旅担任过许多作战和拓展任务,包括排长和连长, 1st Infantry Division, Assistant Professor of Military Science at University of Tennessee, an OCT at Hohenfels, Germany, and a maritime acquisitions officer in Ohio, before finally being assigned at St. Bonaventure as the Professor of Military Science.

退休后,马丁继续通过他的教育事业影响年轻人. At Archbishop Walsh High School, 他当过三年女子篮球教练,当过一年校长. 然后,他在阿莱格尼-莱姆斯通中心学校工作,在那里他教历史,并指导三个校队运动:女子排球, girls basketball, and tennis.

马丁享受了许多成功的赛季,并结束了他的最后一个篮球赛季,带领他的球队第一次进入四强. 在他17年的教育生涯中,作为一名教师和教练,他被领导所吸引. 

Because of LTC Martin’s leadership, friendship, and lasting impact to the St. Bonaventure Army ROTC program, and the local community, 他被选入塞内卡营名人堂以及国家后备军官训练队名人堂. Knox, Kentucky.

Col. Joseph Richey, Class of 1996

HoF Richey web里奇上校于1996年从圣. Bonaventure University.

His first assignment was with the 1st Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina from 1997 to 2000. There he served as a Rifle Platoon Leader, Anti-Tank Platoon Leader, Support Platoon Leader, and Company Executive Officer.

里奇上校随后被分配到坎贝尔堡和第502伞降步兵团, 101st Airborne (Air Assault) Division. There he commanded A Company, 1st Battalion, 502nd PIR. 里奇上校还担任过1-502旅的现任行动干事和助理行动干事.

He was a Recruiting Company Commander in Clarion, Pennsylvania, from 2002 to 2005. 从2005年到2008年,里奇上校是第24步兵师(前进)的联络队长,指挥总部支队, First Army Division East at Fort Meade, Maryland.  在这次全球网赌十大网站之后,2008年至2009年,他被部署为过渡小组组长,支持伊拉克自由行动,培训伊拉克国家警察.

After completing the Command and General Staff College at the Naval War College, 里奇上校曾担任第五营的营务官和行政长官, 20th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade (Stryker), 2nd Infantry Division. During this tour the Battalion deployed to Regional Command (South), Afghanistan.

From 2013 to 2015, 里奇上校曾在斯图加特的美国非洲司令部担任联合行动中心小组组长和当前行动副司长, Germany. 

From 2015 to 2017, COL Richey commanded 2-393 Brigade Support Battalion in 120th Infantry Brigade at Ft. Hood, Texas. Following Battalion Command, COL Richey joined U.S. 陆军学员司令部,在那里他曾担任滑石大学和克莱里昂大学的军事科学教授两年. 在他退休前的最后一项任务中,里奇上校担任宾夕法尼亚州立大学的首席财务官.

里奇上校的军事训练和教育包括基础空降和跳伞大师课程, Air Assault Course, Ranger School, the Infantry Officer Basic Course, Field Artillery Captains Career Course, the Combined Arms and Services Staff School, and the Naval War College Command and General Staff School.

His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal (1 OLC), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (Silver OLC), Army Commendation Medal (1 OLC), Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Senior Parachutist Badge, Ranger Tab, and Expert Infantryman’s Badge.

COL Richey is married to the former Allison C. Bynum from Dallas, Texas.  They have two sons – Carter (15) and Collin (11).

Lt. Col. Tom Hagen, Professor of Military Science, 1993-96

Hagen pic web 21979年,作为一名美国西点军校的毕业生,哈根接受了委任. He earned his master's degree from the University of Phoenix in 1991.

As part of his 22 year military career, LTC哈根曾担任军事科学教授,负责圣. Bonaventure from 1993-96. He retired from his military service in 1999, but his ties to the St. Bonaventure family did not end there.

LTC Hagen于1994年开始指导圣博纳文蒂尔男子和女子越野队. 在他担任主教练的第一年,他带领女队实现了有史以来第一个不输球的赛季. He followed that up in 1995 by helping the men finish .500 for the first time in eight years. LTC Hagen continued to coach the teams from 1999-2010.

In addition, LTC Hagen担任阿勒甘-莱姆斯通学区摔跤队的技术协调员和助理教练. Service to the Bonnies community seems to be a tradition of the Hagen family. His wife, Susan, was a biology professor at the university from 1997 to 2008. 他们的儿子米克尔(Mikkel)是2005届毕业生,儿子尼古拉斯(Nicholas)是2003届毕业生.

Lt. Col. Cory Angell, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford graduate
MAJ Angell webLTC安吉尔于1990年开始了他的军事生涯,当时他加入了宾夕法尼亚州国民警卫队,成为一名迫击炮兵.

Upon his graduation from the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 他被任命为少尉和步兵军官,被分配到a连, 1/112th Infantry before transferring to the 109th mobile public affairs detachment, 包括被派往阿富汗,隶属于第504伞降步兵团.

LTC安吉尔曾在宾夕法尼亚州国民警卫队全职担任副公共事务官,之后在州斯崔克旅兼职担任反坦克连长. LTC安吉尔作为公共事务官员两次被部署,以支持伊拉克自由行动和持久自由行动.

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