St. Bonaventure University

2011 & 2010 Hall of Fame Inductees

2011 ROTC Hall of Fame Inductee

2日Lt. 海军陆战队约翰·R. "Bob" 伯恩斯, Class of 1966
约翰R. 伯恩斯A 1966 graduate of St. Bonaventure University, 约翰R. 伯恩斯, who was known as Bob, 在美国海军陆战队入伍,并从军官候选人学校毕业, 1967年被任命为美国海军陆战队预备役少尉.

He was assigned as a platoon commander to Company M, 3rd Battalion, 4日,海军陆战队, reinforcing the 3rd Marine Division on October 4, 1967. 这个营已经被部署到越南共和国一年多了,他几乎立刻就投入了战斗.

As part of Operation Kentucky, on 18 January 1968, 伯恩斯的排处于一个阻击位置,支援另一支部队,该部队正在攻击孔天东北的一支固步自封的北越军队. When his platoon came under fire, 伯恩斯毫不犹豫地领导了对敌人阵地的反击.

“Undaunted by the enemy fire impacting around him, 他指挥部下在战火纷飞的地形上移动,亲手杀死了5名北越士兵,” the account of his heroism read. Overrunning the enemy positions, 伯恩斯迅速巩固了他的海军陆战队,尽管仍处于炮火之下, moved from position to position and encouraged his men.

伯恩斯看到一支正在向敌人移动的相邻部队被来自他前方山脊上的NVA阵地的火力压制住了. The narrative continues, “Reacting instantly, 他包围了敌军,发动了一次突袭,使敌兵措手不及, 导致他们放弃自己的位置,在恐慌和混乱中逃离到另一个单位的致命火力中.”

For his actions that day, 伯恩斯 was awarded the Silver Star Medal, the citation concluding, “By his courage, 积极进取的战斗精神和面对巨大的个人危险时毫不动摇的奉献精神, 伯恩斯少尉坚持美国海军的最高传统.”

Less than a week later, on 24 January, 陆战第3师的指挥官命令第3营清除北越第64团在9号公路上袭击了从东河开往卡罗尔营的美军车队的伏击地点.

伯恩斯, with Mike Company, 是第一批在夜幕降临时到达目标附近的美国人之一吗, he organized his platoon into a defensive position. At dawn on 25 January, Mike Company swept through the ambush site and into the valley, 当营里的其他人员乘直升机到达时,他们与敌人会合.

By the end of the day, 伯恩斯 was among 800 of his brother Marines, 他的连在山顶上的位置固定了营的位置. The NVA fired mortars into the position throughout the night, wounding 17 Marines, 但没有进攻,扫雷行动于1月26日继续进行,接触有限.

After nightfall, Mike Company moved to another hilltop. At approximately 0300 on 27 January, NVA troops launched an intense attack, simultaneously striking 伯恩斯’ position from three sides. A Marine wrote of the ensuing fight, 迈克公司以致命的最后一击作为回应.

激烈的攻击很快演变成一场绝望的混战,战士们展开了肉搏战.两家支援公司一路打到迈克公司的位置,战斗持续了一整天. By 1700, the enemy battalion was forced off the position, having lost 130 killed in action, but the fight for control of Route 9 cost Third Battalion, 4日,海军陆战队 21 men killed and 62 more wounded.

约翰R. 伯恩斯 was among the dead, having fallen alongside five men from his company, including a private first class from Buffalo, 纽约, near the college where Bob had been a popular student.

他被追授银星勋章,以表彰他在1月18日孔天附近的战斗中的表现, 他的名字出现在赖利中心前纪念圣公会成员的纪念碑上. Bonaventure family who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.

His name is also on Panel 35E, Line 44 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, DC, 鲍勃·伯恩斯的记忆永远留在他的同学和在圣. Bonaventure University.

2010 ROTC Hall of Fame Inductee

Col. (Ret.爱德华五世. Karl, Class of 1959
爱德华·卡尔Born in Yonkers, 纽约, Edward V. Karl graduated cum laude from St. 1959年在博纳旺图尔大学获得数学学士学位.

大学陆军后备军官训练队项目的杰出军事毕业生, 他以野战炮兵少尉的身份获得了正规军的任命,并被分配到德文斯堡的迫击炮炮台前线观察员, Massachusetts.

In October 1959, 他成为了格兰德岛耐克大力神/阿贾克斯防空连的发射器排长, 纽约.

Karl completed the Artillery Basic Officer’s Courses at Fort Sill, Oklahoma and Fort Bliss, 1960年9月,他被分配到驻扎在布拉格堡的第82空降师, North Carolina. After completing the Division’s Airborne course, 在被调到军械兵团之前,他曾在一个105毫米榴弹炮连担任前沿观察员.

As a lieutenant, he commanded Company B, 1962年6月前一直在82空降师的782维修营. 他被选为研究生学习,并于1964年6月获得特拉华大学数学硕士学位..

He was assigned for one year as a member of the general staff, 9th Logistical Command, 呵叻, 然后回到美国参加军械军官高级课程. 1966年6月,他被任命为美国科学院数学助理教授.S. Military Academy. 1969年6月,他回到东南亚担任物资官和执行官, 27th Maintenance Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) in Vietnam.

一年的服役结束后,他进入陆军司令部学习并毕业 & 1971年6月被任命为研究与发展参谋, Benet Weapons Laboratory and then as Executive Officer, Watervliet Arsenal, 纽约..


1978年7月,他开始指挥位于密歇根州沃伦市的底特律兵工厂坦克工厂. After three years, 他被选入了武装部队工业学院, and upon graduation, returned to the Pentagon as Director, Industrial Base Programming, Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering.

他回到沃特弗利特兵工厂,从1983年7月到1986年1月担任该装置的指挥官, when he was assigned as Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations, U.S. Army Strategic Defense Command. Karl retired at the grade of colonel in September 1987.

After his retirement from active duty, 卡尔在VSE公司开始了平民职业生涯,包括陆军系统高级项目经理的职位, Assistant Vice President and Army Systems Division Manager, Senior Vice President and General Manager for all U.S. 陆军和美国.S. 海军陆战队项目和高级副总裁,系统开发主任. .

Karl is a graduate of numerous military schools, including the U.S. 陆军指挥参谋学院和军队工业学院.

His military awards include the Legion of Merit (2 awards), 青铜星章, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (3 awards), 航空勋章, Army Commendation Medal (2 awards), National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal with Three Campaign Stars, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Republic of Vietnam Honor Medal (2nd Class), Vietnam Campaign Medal, Parachutist Badge, 国防部长和陆军总参谋部识别徽章和无数单位奖励.
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